Dear all,
Welcome to the inaugural issue of CTO musings – by none other than myself, CTO of Lightspeed Technologies Pte Ltd. Most of you will already know me – for those who don’t and wish to know more about who I am, see the author’s bio block below.
I seldom see the need for doing this kind of one-to-many communication – most of my discussions are either one on one or with small groups. However, a few recent breaches on Google’s Play Store have led me to reconsider my longstanding position on Endpoint Security. The most recent being the delisting and subsequent restoration of CamScanner
Don’t get me wrong – Endpoint Security has always been a good idea for all our client organizations, bar none. However, my personal position has always been that with the appropriate hygienic response, that I didn’t personally need it on my own endpoints. That is no longer true with the recurrent breaches on Google PlayStore, nor is it true anymore of Linux endpoints like my laptop.
Organizations today have endpoint devices that are a mix of company-issued laptops and BYOD devices (usually mobile phones or tablets). Any attempt at endpoint security needs to address both types of devices. So the usual Microsoft domain-centric Endpoint Security Console that manages Windows and Mac is no longer sufficient. Neither is the notion of protecting the LAN – since people now work from homes, hotel rooms, and even co-working spaces. Today, I am recommending that the Endpoint Security Policies be enforced from the cloud and that every device that holds company data or has the potential to connect to resources that hold corporate data be covered by an endpoint security policy.
Up until recently, there was no simple, unified way to enforce policy across all five major platforms (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and yes, with the increase in Developer Editions from the likes of Dell, Linux). However, I am happy to announce that we have found the “unicorn” of Endpoint Security – Symantec Endpoint Security Cloud – have deployed it across all our internal endpoints and are now actively rolling it out across all our customers.
Jeffrey Goh
PS: Even though we think it’s worth every penny even when full-priced, as part of a very limited launch offer (we have up to 500 licenses in total) per device licenses are discounted by up to 25% off the web price if purchased and paid for before 23:59 on the 24th of September – just forward this article to to get a personalized quote.